Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar has received a threat from the outfit, Karni Sena, over his upcoming film Prithviraj. The actor is set to play Prithviraj Chauhan in the Yash Raj Films' period drama, marking the debut of Manushi Chhillar who plays Sanyogita, and helmed by Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi. Surjeet Singh Rathore, President of the Youth Wing of the Karni Sena, has put forth three conditions for the film and warned Yash Raj Films' head honcho Aditya Chopra that if they don't comply with the demand, they will face the same situation as Sanjay Leela Bhansali did during Padmaavat.
He spoke to a daily and then shared news clippings on his Instagram. Rathore wrote in Hindi that the organisation respects Akshay Kumar and that YRF's Adiya Chopra should respect the last ‘Hindu Samrat’. The three conditions include the screening of the film before its release, the film be shown to the Rajput society, and the title of the film to have the full name — Veer Yoddha Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan.
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Akshay Kumar had announced the film in 2019. He wrote, “Elated to share about my 1st historical film on my birthday!Humbled to have the opportunity to play a hero I look up to for his valor & values- Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan in one of my biggest films #Prithviraj. Producer @yrf ,director #DrChandraprakashDwivedi, releasing Diwali 2020.”
Due to the pandemic, Prithviraj got delayed. Now, they have decided to release it on November 5, 2021.
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